ACMIT’s participation at the Long Night of Research 2024

© Lange Nacht der Forschung 2024
© Lange Nacht der Forschung 2024

On Friday, 24 May 2024, the “Long Night of Research” (LNF) took place throughout Austria for the second time after the coronavirus-related break, once again at the planned biennial interval. It is the largest event in the field of R&D communication in the German-speaking world.

At the Technology and Research Centre in Wiener Neustadt, interested people of all ages were able to learn about and understand new developments on a wide range of topics from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. and even try some of them out for themselves.

ACMIT was represented by Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Kment and Stefan Koschitz MSc. at the station entitled: “How can realistic anatomical models be created for training surgical procedures?”

The focus of the ACMIT presentation in 2024 was put on application-oriented anatomical models. The technical possibilities for capturing objects in 3D and with high precision, in conjunction with 3D printing systems and specific plastics adapted to the properties of natural tissue such as skin or muscles, make it possible to produce organs and tissue with a realistic appearance and behaviour and equip them with functional elements such as sensors. All of this is realised in order to reduce the need for cadaver tests in surgery education and significantly improve the training efficiency for surgical staff. Reproducible model designs allow interventions on models to be repeated under the same boundary conditions, thus creating effective test environments for both education and training.

Several models were shown and explained at the LNF, with the implantology trainer DentoSkullTM and a skull phantom for biopsy being the highlights. Other organ models of kidneys or the brain were also be presented, as well as models with optical functions such as the visualisation of caries or cancer by illumination with ultraviolet light.

The presentations met with great interest among interested visitors from young to old. ACMIT will be represented again at the next Long Night of Research with new exciting topics.

For more information, please visit:

LNF 2024

Program booklet LNF2024 Wiener Neustadt

ACMIT Video LNF 2024

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