Scientific awards for Dr. Gunpreet Oberoi

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ACMIT’s long-term scientific partner, the Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering at the Medical University Vienna awarded the prestigious Spin-off Fellowship for the SVAN (Safe Vascular Access Needle) project by FFG. Dr. Gunpreet Oberoi (senior scientist at ACMIT and postdoctoral researcher in the Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering at the Medical University of Vienna) is leading this project together with a dedicated team of experts.

The SVAN is an innovative injection device for emergencies involving newborns and animals, addressing 1.4 million global cases annually. Supported by Austria Wirtschaftsservice (aws) (Prototype Funding, 2021) and FFG Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (Spinoff Fellowship, 2024), SVAN provides fast and reliable bone/ intraosseous access for life-saving medications within 90 seconds. It is designed for use by various professionals, including neonatologists, pediatricians, veterinarians, and emergency responders, as well as military personnel in crisis situations.

The xbio – Building a Biomedical Enterprise Demo Day, hosted at the Sky Lounge of the University of Vienna on 27th June, 2024. Seven talented researchers pitched their innovative projects to an expert jury and attendees.

Dr. Gunpreet Oberoi received the Grand Prize for Best Pitch at the xbio – Building a Biomedical Enterprise Demo Day for the project SVAN.

The I.E.C.T. – Summer School on Entrepreneurship celebrated its tenth anniversary this year and took place from August 22nd to 28th, 2024, in Innsbruck, Austria. The programme featured a wide range of activities, including workshops, keynotes, mentoring sessions, and networking events in the fields of technology, advanced engineering, natural sciences, life sciences, physics, mathematics, IT and AI as well as early-stage start-ups with science or technology projects.

Dr. Gunpreet Oberoi won the € 100.000 anniversary investment prize and received an invitation and free tickets to the Falling Walls Science Summit 2024 in Berlin.

ACMIT congratulates Gunpreet on her outstanding achievements and looks forward to further successful cooperation.

For more information, please visit:

I.E.C.T. – Summer School on Entrepreneurship anniversary investment prize

Invitation to the Falling Walls Science Summit 2024

xbio – Building a Biomedical Enterprise Demo Day award

SVAN project

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