Dr. Ankita Nachankar won the ÖGRO abstract award 2023

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Dr. Ankita Nachankar (Radiation Oncologist at EBG MedAustron GmbH and Postdoctoral Researcher at ACMIT) received the ÖGRO-Abstract Prize at the ÖGRO 2023, 40th annual meeting on the 13th Oct. in Vienna, by the Austrian Society for Radiation Oncology, Radiobiology and Medical Radiophysics (ÖGRO).

The study entitled by Dr. Nachankar: “Retrospective evaluation of LET distribution in carbon-ion radiotherapy for pelvic sarcomas and LET optimization by blocking method: the MedAustron approach” focuses LET optimization by a blocking method in pelvic sarcomas. This study was recently published in the Cancers journal (mdpi): Cancers 2023, 15(19), 4903;.

The project is a part of the COMET Module “Surgical Data for Optimized Therapy” (SD-OpT) by ACMIT, representing ACMIT’s research areas, such as sensor-integrated, patient-specific planning tools, or medical IoT, providing an ideal base for the field of “Surgical Data Science” (SDS) with current trend towards “Digitalized Medicine” and “Surgery 4.0”.

ACMIT congratulates Ankita on this outstanding achievement!

For more information, please visit:

COMET Module “Surgical Data for Optimized Therapy” (SD-OpT)

ÖGRO 2023, 40th annual meeting program


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