Prof. Dr. Tamás Haidegger successfully completed his PRRC post-graduate engineering degree

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ACMIT’s long-term scientific partner and research area manager, Prof. Dr. Tamás Haidegger, successfully completed his postgraduate specialist engineering training in Quality Management and Regulatory Compliance Engineering of Medical Device Manufacturing and Distribution (PRRC) with a thesis in May 2024 at the Institute of Biomatics and Applied Artificial Intelligence (BMI) of the John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics at Óbuda University in Budapest, Hungary.

The title of his thesis:

“Technology Readiness and Evaluation of Surgical Robots in the Advent of the MDR”

The aim of this thesis work is to assess the methods and means through which the complex process of device certification can be managed from the European CE marking and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) type requirements’ point of view. The thesis systematically introduces the current surgical robot classes and outstanding systems and provides the analysis of the various assessment methods to quantify and benchmark these.

Prof. Dr. Tamás Haidegger’s main research areas are surgical robotics, teleoperation, image-guided therapy within the field of medical technology. He is currently professor at Óbuda University, the distinguished consolidator researcher of the University Research and Innovation Center, the leader of medical robotics research at the Antal Bejczy iRob Intelligent Robotics Centre and the director of the Initium Venture Labs Zrt. He holds an Adjunct Associate Professor appointment at Queen’s University, School of Computing.

Prof. Haidegger is furthermore the co-founder of the longtime ACMIT company partner, the HandInScan Zrt., focusing on the development of Semmelweis Hand Hygiene System for objective hand hygiene control in the medical environment. ACMIT contributed the product development and the prototyping in this joint project.

ACMIT congratulates Tamás on this outstanding achievement and looks forward to further successful cooperation.

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