ACMIT at the “Long Night of Research 2024” (LNF 2024)

© Lange Nacht der Forschung 2024
© Lange Nacht der Forschung 2024

The “Long Night of Research” will take place on 24th of May, 2024 from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. at over 270 exhibition locations across Austria, featuring over 2,800 stations, guided tours, workshops, lectures and experiments to watch and take part in free of charge. Researchers present their achievements from the areas of society, the environment and health to natural sciences, technology, energy, economy, digitization and culture.

The focus of the ACMIT exhibition this year is on application-oriented anatomical models. ACMIT will be represented by Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Kment and Stefan Koschitz MSc. at the station (WN:1-30) with the title: “How can realistic anatomical models be created for training surgical procedures?” in the section A of TFZ Technology and Research Center, Wiener Neustadt.

Anatomical models significantly reduce the number of cadaver tests needed in the development of medical devices as well as provide an advanced solution for education of clinicians. Based on patient-specific manufactured models, complex surgeries can be trained and optimized to improve patient safety.

At the ACMIT stand, examples of realistic models will be shown and the manufacturing processes will be explained. The new DentoSkull™ implantology training model for maxillofacial and augmentative surgery will be particularly impressive. In addition, the topic is presented in a short video.

Research enthusiasts of all ages are invited to gain insights into ACMIT’s research!

For more information, please visit:

ACMIT at LNF 2024

Program booklet LNF2024 Wiener Neustadt

LNF 2024

ACMIT LNF 2024 Video

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