ACMIT won a Poster Award at the Interdisciplinary Symposium on Simulation in Medicine 2020

©Markus Gauß © InPASS, Dr. med. Marcus Rall © DGSiM e. V.
©Markus Gauß © InPASS, Dr. med. Marcus Rall © DGSiM e. V.

ACMIT won a poster award (2nd Prize in the category science) at InSiM 2020 organized by the DGSiM (Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Simulation in der Medizin).

The presented poster: “Ein anatomisches Modell zur Simulation der Beckenfrakturversorgung über den modifizierten Stoppa-Zugang“

Authors: Andrea Lorenz, Bernhard Sagmeister, Richard Kolonics, Gernot Kronreif

Congratulation to this outstanding achievement!

For more information, please visit:

Poster Award

InSiM 2020

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