“The fast way to a medical device” – expert event by ecoplus & ACMIT

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The expert event “The fast way to a medical device” (in German: “Der schnelle Weg zum Medizinprodukt”) organized by the ecoplus platform for healthcare technology together with ACMIT, took place on September 17, 2024 at the Technology and Research Center Wiener Neustadt, in Austria.

The path from the idea to the market-ready medical product is long and complex in the field of medical technology.

The event brought together developers, producers and distributors to exchange knowledge, experiences on how the stages from classification and technical development to approval, the required documentation and the access to the healthcare market can be mastered more quickly.

In addition to the expert lectures, there were numerous opportunities for questions and networking.

Thank you to all the participants for the interesting presentations and the successful event appearance.

For more information, please visit:

ecoplus platform for healthcare technology news

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