Safe Vascular Access Needle (SVAN) project has received FFG Spin-off Fellowship

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The FFG’s Spin-off Fellowship program is intended to support the exploitation of intellectual property at universities and research institutions at a very early stage to enable the founding of a company after the fellowship has been completed.

ACMIT’s long-term scientific partner, the Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering at the Medical University Vienna has been awarded the prestigious Spin-off Fellowship for the SVAN (Safe Vascular Access Needle) project by FFG, Austrian Research Promotion Agency.

Dr. Gunpreet Oberoi (senior scientist at ACMIT and postdoctoral researcher in the Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering at the Medical University of Vienna) is leading this project together with a dedicated team of experts.

SVAN was developed for neonatal and the veterinary use. Intraosseous access (IO) for the administration of life-saving medications in emergency situations is now increasingly being used in newborns. International guidelines for neonatal resuscitation also recommend IO access, in which a thin needle is inserted into the highly vascularized bone and drugs can be administered quickly, as an alternative when other venous access approaches are not possible. To enable safe IO access, the new SVAN system was developed with the unique feature of a self-stop mechanism of the drill. This significantly improves patient safety and trains the doctor’s skills relieving them of the anxiety of destroying the small bones or injecting medication incorrectly. The first functional prototype, adapted to a realistic 3D printed tibial trainer for newborns, has been established as part of a preliminary project. With the follow-up project SVAN, the prototype of SVAN drill and JIO (Juvenile Intraosseus) training system will be further developed into a production-ready device.

Congratulations on this achievement!

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MedUni Vienna News
