RALV in the Innovation Corner at the Technical Museum Vienna

©Technisches Museum Wien

The presentation format „Innovation Corner“ at the Vienna Technical Museum offers a platform to present Austrian start-ups on a quarterly basis that achieve outstanding achievements in a wide variety of scientific fields. In the current round ten projects from the fields of medical technology and life sciences are presented. The thematic spectrum was created in cooperation with the Lower Austrian technology financing company tecnet equity and the technology incubator accent.

The RALV device was also selected to be presented in the Innovation Corner of the Vienna Technical Museum. The exhibition „Innovations in Medical Technology and Life Sciences“ will be on display from June 3 to September 29, 2024.

With increasing age, the eye loses the ability to adapt to different distances of vision. This presbyopia is mainly caused by a hardening of the natural lens of the eye. The replacement of the natural lens with an artificial lens can provide relief. It is important to find the best lens model for each patient before surgery. RALV allows presbyopic patients to experience preoperative vision through true intraocular lenses (IOL) to experience postoperative vision with an IOL before the implantation.

ACMIT developed the RALV optical system in collaboration with 1stQ Deutschland GmbH, an internationally renowned manufacturer of intraocular lenses. The further development and marketing are carried out by the newly founded spin-off company DEZIMAL GmbH.

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Vienna Technical Museum News

©Technisches Museum Wien
©Technisches Museum Wien
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