FTI Dissertation grant 2023 for advanced AI research


ACMIT has received finance for FTI Dissertation grant 2023 from Gesellschaft für Forschungsförderung Niederösterreich m.b.H. The fellowship application entitled “Image-derived Al-based methods to support treatment decision-making for pediatric osteosarcoma patients”.

Danube Private University (DPU) is the lead institution with ACMIT as partner institution for which finance for a three-year PhD project is granted.

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Sepideh Hatamikia has the role of the Principle Investigator (PI) and will serve as the official supervisor of the selected PhD candidate MSc. Arezoo Borji during the three years of the project. Arezoo Borji studied her master degree at Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, one of Iran’s best universities (ranked 375th in the world) and she was among the top four out of 94 master students.

The consortium of this project consists of DPU (lead institution, Ass.-Prof. Dr. Sepideh Hatamikia), Austrian Center for Medical Innovation and Technology (ACMIT Gmbh) (partner institution, Dr. Gernot Kronreif), Pediatric Department of Semmelweis University (clinical partner, Dr. med habil. Monika Csóka), Medical University of Vienna (additional scientific partner, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Birkfellner).

The goal of this project is to develop and innovate advanced AI methods which can enable the prediction of occurrence of lung metastases and the prediction of pathologic response to neoadjavant chemotherapy based on imaging data of pediatric osteosarcoma patients.

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