Miklos Kozlovszky, PhD. successfully habilitated

ACMIT employee Miklos Kozlovszky habilitated successfully on February, 2nd 2017 at Obuda University in Budapest, Hungary.

The topic of his thesis was: “Remote monitoring of micro and macro environment parameters and biosignals.”

In his work, he was focusing on three different topics:

  • The first thesis group is proposing a new way to automatically assess the health state using various sensor modalities at individual and population scale. Generally, health state assessment is a complex task but biosignal acquisition enables us to remotely monitor a vast amount of various vital signs/life signals from a large population easily. Therefore, with recent telemedicine solutions, a single practitioner can monitor the vital parameters of hundreds of patients in real time, up to several days or months. However, the large number of data sources multiplied by the number of modalities, with high sampling rates can produce huge data quantities (Big Data problem), what could be difficult to transmit, to process, to analyse, to visualize or even store.
  • The second topic was focusing on remote patient monitoring solutions targeting cardiovascular and diabetes diseases.
  • The third topic was focusing on a human biosignal, and micro/macro environment monitoring solution, which can be used effectively to monitor people working in harsh environment.

ACMIT sincerely congratulates Miklos and  looks forward to our continued cooperation!

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